Yuck! Can't think of a bug that creeps me out more than an earwig. My lettuce is finally bolting, and as I pulled it all out of the ground yesterday (was able to get one last, gigantic bowl full!), I found tons of earwigs running around their roots. While earwigs have been known to eat things in the garden I want to eat, it sounds like they might be doing more good than harm. "They eat weeds and weed seeds. They eat the eggs and larvae of root maggots, cutworms, aphids and hundreds of other insect pests—indeed, they bolt down any critter they can physically overwhelm. They even convert your decaying plant material to the organic matter your Western soil so dearly needs." Guess i can put up with them for that! Also, they are one of the few known insects to actually demonstrate maternal care for the young. Awww, how sweet.
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