Friday, August 1, 2008

Tomato Taste Off

Plucked the following tomatoes last week (probably a day too early-- but oh so yummy). Hubby and I taste tested each, with bread, cheese, and a fresh garden cuc as the perfect pallate cleanser. All were fantastic, but here are our thoughts on each (from left to right in the picture).

*Rose - So much flavor. No tomato wateriness!
*Carbon - sweet and smooth - delish!
*Zogola (small and got tomatoes with black bottoms) - tangy and very tasty

I'll definitely regrow all of these!


Unknown said...

Dear Homesteader,the time of planting is now approaching and I would like to grow the ROSE tomato that you mention in this article- Where can I find them,either the seeds or the plants ? -Thank you -

Happy Homesteader said...

Hello Mysterious CMP,
I bought this Rose variety at the Boulder Farmers Market as a starter plant, but you can order seeds at or plants from enjoy :)